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Dr. Ellen Teichmann

Photoswitchable Small Molecule Inhibitors to Control Kinase Activity

Protein kinases are the key signaling enzymes which are involved in almost all physiological processes. Hence, it is of great importance to elucidate these signaling pathways to understand how human diseases arise from their dysregulation. However, attaining selectivity in kinase inhibition within the complex human kinome remains challenging. Incorporation of a photoresponsive moiety into the inhibitor structure allows for an external and reversible control of kinase activity which results in advantages over classical small molecule inhibitors. In her research, Ellen Teichmann, focuses on implementing such photoswitchable units into known kinase inhibitor scaffolds to control kinase activity selectively and reversibly.


Photoswitchable Inhibitors to Optically Control Specific Kinase Activity

T. Aguirre, E. Teichmann, F. Q. Römpp, R. Vivier, C. Bryant, M. A. Hulverson, W. C. Van Voorhis, K. K. Ojo, J. S. Doggett, D. Fiedler* and S. Hecht*

ACS Chem. Bio. 202318, 1378-1387

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Photoswitchable Inhibitors to Optically Control Specific Kinase Activity


Solving the Azobenzene Entropy Puzzle - Direct Evidence for Multi-State Reactivity

M. Reimann, E. Teichmann, S. Hecht* and M. Kaupp*

J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2022, 13, 10882–10888

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Solving the Azobenzene Entropy Puzzle - Direct Evidence for Multi-State Reactivity


Shining a Light on Proteolysis Targeting Chimeras

E. Teichmann, S. Hecht*

ACS Cent. Sci. 2019, 5, 1645-1647

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Oxidative and reductive cyclization in stiff dithienylethenes

M. Kleinwächter, E. Teichmann, L. Grubert, M. Herder, S. Hecht*

Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2018, 14, 2012-2021 (part of the Thematic Series "Photo-Redox Catalysis for Novel Organic Reactions")

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Oxidative and reductive cyclization in stiff dithienylethenes